A New Experiment: The Story of 2022

A New Experiment: The Story of 2022

A year end review


7 min read

Roller coaster Ride

I started my full-time career in software development in Jan 2022. (Freelancing before that)

There were so many unknowns, and if I will be candid here, it was giving me goosebumps, not because I can't do it, but because there were a lot of things to wrap my head around.

Even though I built my basics strong (HTML, CSS, JS) that's not all, there are so many things in the front end other than building pixel-perfect User Interfaces and implementing functionalities.

Software development is a continuously changing field and you have to update your knowledge on daily basis to stay relevant.

So instead of learning everything in the beginning, I decided I learn things whenever I come across them and update my knowledge on a daily basis. I was ready to explore new things.

A little about my background:

I used to be a doctor πŸ©ΊπŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ before becoming a coder, I was basically a self-taught coder and the interesting thing is that I was not learning to get a Job, I was learning because I was just following my passion. Completed Full stack BootCamp from Crio.

I will share my journey in some other article.

Something about my career choice-

Why I started my career with a service-based company?

I wanted to explore various tech stacks before settling on one or never settle 🫣.

There might be less possibility of getting this in a product-based company.

Second: I really love the UIs of various websites in the portfolio of squreboat.com website.

Design: (A little out of context)
Although I am not very deep into design but can pick one user-friendly and beautiful one when I see it.

Out of curiosity, I read some design books too 😁.

The design of everyday things is one of my favorite books.

(I guess every frontend developer should have a design sense to make the user experience better)

The beginning of 2022:

I got assigned to a client project.

Task- Convert static website -> dynamic website

Tech Stack -

  • Backend- Oracle CMS

  • Frontend- Nextjs, Tailwind

It was an excellent experience for me, although I was not creating anything from scratch but making a static site dynamic was also a great experience.

The Middle of 2022:

upside down roller coaster ride

I got assigned multiple projects and I was basically juggling various tasks/features, day in and day out, attended various client calls in a day,

In this part, My habit of making my documentation helped me a lot.

There was a time when clients were sharing various tasks over email/Whatsapp and then forgetting what they said earlier.

Keeping good documentation (Google Sheets) helped in many things

  • First of all, keeping everything in one place.

  • Sending daily work reports 😁. (also helped if I forgot a work report, just copy and paste from the sheet πŸ˜‚)

  • Time Estimation- just put time against a task.

  • Priority- Assign priory and work accordingly.

  • Reducing PM work- Sometimes PM used to just copy and paste from my sheet for various communication with the client.

New Project for a Design Website

I also got a chance to start a project from scratch,

This was basically an internal project for another sister entity of our Organization.

We were a team of 3 frontend developers who created really cool-looking website with a lot of animation (Animation is not done by me), but there is another level of satisfaction when u create something from scratch within a very tight schedule.

Current Project:

I got assigned to one single project

So basically I started enjoying working at a product in a service-based company.


  • New Feature Implementation

  • Landing page

  • Page speed optimization,

  • SEO-related work.

  • Web performance optimization

  • Structured Data Implementation

In this process, I am doing a lot of work for optimizing web performance and also fixing/updating SEO-related code. This is providing me a lot of opportunities to go deeper, learn and optimize website performance and also improve google ranking/indexing of the website.

What's New-


Although, I have mentored a lot of people over the phone/online mode (at no charge), this time, I started mentoring a frontend Engineer (Level 0).

I was not avoiding a new responsibility but coding is my first love πŸ’, I love to code, debug, and give/take help to/from others. So I was postponing everything which is not related to code, and creating some distractions.

But this time, at my organization I got assigned a mentee, It was very difficult to get time from a busy project because context switching means less focus on work.

I have taken this as an opportunity, I'm still learning to manage it properly, and I guess this part also takes continuous effort. I have to wait before assessing the outcomes.


Although, I've already built various backends using CMS,

(created and integrated Sanity CMS, Strapi CMS, and Oracle CMS already )

But I always wanted to learn the proper backend, and for that my organization and clients both agreed to provide some time to learn and implement.

Currently, learning/creating a backend using Nestjs, and created a backend for a contact form and integrated it with the frontend in my current project.

I guess I need to learn things incrementally, currently started reading some blogs about the backend and what

Some useful blogs:

How to Become a Good Backend Engineer (Fundamentals) - By Hussein Nasser

I ask this question to every Backend Engineer -By Hussein Nasser

AWS Services must for Front-end developers - By Neha Sharma

Things I wish I knew when I started learning cloud - By Neha Sharma

I am still trying to wrap my head around various things at the backend (language, DBMS, proxy, etc.), working so that I'll have a good grasp of the Backend at the end of 2023.

Meetup and events

Attended an offline web security meetup

Attended Devfest 2022 (GDG Delhi)

Appeared as a panel Reboots '23 Career Conclave by Crio.do.

Roller coaster journey

Although the year 2022 is coming to an end, the roller coaster ride is still going on, and I am enjoying it.


I am ending this year by taking a spiritual vacation.

Vipassana meditation

I've completed a 10-day vipassana meditation retreat near Rohtak. (link).

It is a 10-days silent retreat. No phones, no speaking, no contact with others. You’re not even allowed to write or use any healing modality. Just silent meditation.

The effects are abstract but I would say it is basically a service center for my mind and body.

What Else πŸ₯˜:

Speed is very important for a performant website, at the front end most of the speed is reduced by heavy-size images, I was also struggling with this problem.

The client's design team used to share beautiful images with a lot of MBs, which used to slow down the page load.

To fix this problem, I created a small image optimizer software, It does only one job and only one job very well, In just one command, it converts big-size images from MBs to KBs, without losing the quality of the images.

eg. >10Mb ------> <100kb

And the good thing is it provides images in an optimized Webp* format, so chrome is also happy and it won't complain.

\WebP* is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web.

Currently, I'm using it locally.

Whenever I get time I will create some minimal UI and deploy it somewhere, I have plans to make it public and freely available to use🀞.


I have learned

  • GTM/GTag/Google Adsense/Google Console implementation (configuration in console and code level implementation)

  • Structured data (advanced level SEO), not for UI but for google search, so that it will show nicely when someone searches.

  • Sitemap (necessary for big websites>500page, but can be implemented in small websites also )

  • The importance of no follow/follow, no index/index

  • CMS - Strapi, Sanity, Oracle

  • Website performance

  • Accessibility

  • SEO

  • πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Built a small software for image optimization

  • πŸ‘‹ Meet a lot of people.

That's all about my experience in the year 2022, if you want to connect with me, please reach out at either Twitter or LinkedIn.